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JetBrains AppCode

AppCode 2021.3

Smart IDE for iOS/macOS development

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Why AppCode?

Thanks to an in-depth understanding of your code structure, AppCode takes care of your routine tasks and saves you from extra typing.
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Smart editor

Efficient project navigation

Jump to any file, class, or symbol in your project in no time, use hierarchical and structure views to navigate through your project structure.

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Thorough code analysis

AppCode is constantly monitoring the quality of your code. It warns you of errors and smells and suggests quick-fixes to resolve them automatically.

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Smart completion

AppCode offers two kinds of code completion: basic as-you-type completion, and more advanced Smart completion for precise filtering.

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Reliable refactorings

Modify and improve your code any time with safe, accurate and reliable refactorings.

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Productive unit testing

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Out of the box, AppCode supports XCTest, Quick, Kiwi, Catch, Boost.Test, and Google Test testing frameworks. Code generation action to get unit tests’ methods makes you more productive. Use ⌘N to get test methods according to the context.
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Many languages, one IDE

AppCode natively supports Objective-C, Swift, C and C++ (including modern C++ standards, libc++ and Boost), as well as JavaScript, XML, HTML, CSS and XPath.

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Rename refactoring

Rename variables, constants, functions, type names and classes and rest assured that AppCode will update all the usages across the entire code base for you.
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Cut down on the routine when implementing or overriding methods – AppCode creates a stub with some default code for you.
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Create from usage

Have you ever dreamed of creating a function, constant, variable or property declaration just by using it in your code? Simply press ⌥⏎ and have it created automatically in the right place!
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What’s New in AppCode 2021.3

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Property list editor

Use AppCode’s full-featured property list editor to perform all the essential actions, like adding a key or modifying its value, switching from the table representation of a .plistfile to pure text editing, and more.
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AppCode 2021.3 will update your documentation when performing refactorings. In addition, you can easily find function parameter usages even in documentation comments.

Error breakpoints

Place Swift error breakpoints by selecting the corresponding option in the breakpoint settings.

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