HCL AppScan Enterprise
Large-scale, multi-user, multi-app dynamic application
security (DAST) to identify, understand and remediate
vulnerabilities, and achieve regulatory compliance
About AppScan Enterprise
AppScan Enterprise delivers scalable application security testing and risk management capabilities, to help enterprises manage risk and compliance. AppScan enables security, DevOps teams to collaborate, establish policies, and perform testing throughout the application development lifecycle. Management dashboards help businesses classify and prioritize application assets based on business impact and identify the most critical vulnerabilities that present the highest risk to the business. AppScan Enterprise’s REST interface enables integration with various automation tools to ensure seamless integration with DevOps’ CI/CD pipelines.
Request DemoScalable
Scalable application security testing that enables businesses to manage a multi-user, multi-app security testing programs – all in one place.
DevSecOps Ready
Comprehensive REST APIs enable automation and seamless integration into the DevOps CI/CD pipeline. Security and development teams can collaborate, define policies, and perform testing throughout the application development lifecycle.

Risk-based Management
Effective management and reporting tools for test policies, scan templates, users, applications, compliance posture, remediation tracking, and more.
Risk-based application security management allows businesses to define relevant risk factors that are used by AppScan to automatically classify an application's risk
Regulatory Compliance
Achieve compliance with industry standards and benchmarks, such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, OWASP Top 10, SANS 25, and more
Market Proven
Test even the most complex web applications
Actionable Reporting
Actionable fix recommendations for each vulnerability detected to simplify remediation
Automate Security Testing
Detect vulnerabilities using powerful scanning engines and fix them before hackers discover them
Large-scale, multi-user, multi app dynamic security testing for web apps, web services and mobile back-ends
Centralized Management
Track multiple security testing programs to ensure policies are effectively enforced and risks managed
Try AppScan Today!
Get started with a cost-effective, powerful tool
that automates the scanning and testing of web application
security vulnerabilities.