Release Orchestration
" Higher-order visibility and management across tools,
teams, pipelines, and releases. "
Faster Time to Market
Model repeatable, predictable and manageable workflows that provide a well-worn path to production for the whole team to follow.
Superior Release Orchestration
Create model-driven pipelines that integrate with all your favorite tools, for rapid, reusable and predictable releases. Adapt quickly to new processes and technologies.
Unprecedented Visibility and Analytics
Use multiple dashboards and reporting functions to plan, schedule, audit and track pipelines, releases and deployments.
Continuous Governance
Automatically audit every action and leverage built-in role-based access controls to enforce governance, security and compliance—without hindering flexibility.
Integration with Your Favorite Tools
Start fast: The CloudBees platform integrates with hundreds of existing software development, security, monitoring and DevOps tools to meet you where you are.
Everything orchestrated
Orchestrate multiple applications or microservices across multiple environments and manage the software release cycle using one platform.

Release dependency views
Visualize and manage dependencies in application models across the stack. Compare application tier requirements to environment tier capabilities for a tier mapping.
Real-time evidence collection
Produce real-time audit reports with the click of a button. No more hunting for data. No time wasted slogging through logs. No need to take developers away from innovation to reproduce a build from months ago.